Get peace of mind with our range of HikVision CCTV and Access control systems. Tailor Made systems for your application, with remote viewing, AI, and scalable with your business.

For Your Shop
Hikvision’s retail solution caters to businesses ranging from a convenience store to a spacious shopping mall. Although each business in the retail sector features distinct forms and characteristics, they all share the need for better property security and smarter management and operations.
Based on a deep understanding of what each and every type of business might need, Hikvision offers bespoke solutions that specifically answer the most concerning questions.

For Your Office
Hikvision’s Office Security Applications are designed to increase safety and ensure that your office can make the staff comfortable and give them peace of mind.
Receives intrusion and line crossing detection information from cameras, and identifies humans and vehicles in the video to reduce false alarms
Saves on costs and time compared with conventional CCTV systems
Conventional alarm verification: Give the user a phone call or send a guard to the end-user site to verify an event.
New alarm verification: Send 7s recording video via app and email to end-user app or ARC to verify an alarm event
Shows advertisements and release notices
Easier to install and change than conventional advertising.
Supports displaying video, animation, images and texts
Personalised layout with multiple content blocks
Free management software
Display schedule can be set by hour, day, or week
Noise suppression and echo cancellation
Low illumination
Premium tempered glass
Aerospace-grade aluminium

For Your Medical Practice
Hospitals and health care facilities are designed to be places of healing, recovery, and tranquillity. However, with high volumes of people constantly coming and going – visitors, volunteers, patients, and others – the potential for unlawful behaviour is substantial. Furthermore, recording the activities of hospital personnel, securing limited access areas, and keeping parking lots operating efficiently require intelligent technology.
Hikvision’s Smart Solution for Healthcare Facilities secures hospitals and other treatment centres with its advanced technology, powerful cameras, and reliable recording devices. Everywhere from guard stations to intensive care units, Hikvision surveillance solution products powerfully assist and protect healthcare facilities and personnel.